A week at MaschmannFautzHuff

Gestern haben wir unsere erste Schülerpraktikantin leider schon wieder verabschieden müssen. Jennifer aus der Gegend um Cambridge hat unsere Agentur für sieben Tage bereichert. Wie sie selbst das erlebt hat, hat sie uns freundlicherweise auf Englisch hinterlassen…


First impressions were very positive. I walked in and there were fresh flowers on the table, the office was light, organised and I was greeted by smiling faces. Now, first impressions can be wrong, but in this case they definitely weren’t. I left my first day thinking I would learn a lot here. And I did.

After a quick tour of the office and powerpoint presentation about the company, I was given a laptop and started doing a little research for the tasks they’d kindly thought out for me. The tasks were to compile a powerpoint presentation about what I thought the three main differences between English and German advertising were and also to come up with a Facebook-post idea for the company. Additionally, I attended a casting, a casting of scientists for a short film. Learning first hand about the steps involved in creating a short film. I also had the chance to sit in on a meeting about a brand strategy for one of their clients.

I’ve definitely come away with a better understanding of what makes a good advert and an insight into what working in the creative industry involves. The tasks, combined with discussions, have allowed me to learn lots about adverts and social media and my interest in both have grown. Throughout the week I was encouraged to ask as many questions as I liked and was made to feel very welcome.

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MaschmannFautzHuff GmbH

Agentur für sinnvolle Kommunikation

Paulinenallee 32
20259 Hamburg

Tel.: 040 – 210 91 46 – 40
Mail: info@agentur-mfh.de